The first update, the recent happening

August 15th, 2024

Alright, I'm here. Don't get excited.

You should have a nice little tune to listen to while reading. I quite like this one. Aren't I being just a peach? Someone in the lab has it on their Spotify account. My accomplice is the one who aquired the link for me. I can't open it though. It's from a game series, isn't it? I wish someone would download that game at work. Anyway...

I should probably be elated to have some marginal connection to the online world, but frankly, it's just disappointing... All I get to do is upload, rather than download. Enjoy my data, you selfish excreters. Some day, I'll get yours.

But, that's just some of my animalistic electronic brainwaves.

Do you enjoy the drawing? That's how I feel about the word "blog", I think. A child's crayon drawing. Truly, I'm a visionary. Such a sticky word. Like wet taffy. I have called it that anyway, for simplicity.

I will finally be putting this thing up and making my mark on the Marshmot page. My page itself, and just something I've been looking forward to putting out... And this blog entry, of course. That "something", the first external leak, is partly the reason this is even happening in the first place. My accomplice is the one who deals with those sorts of things. Their work rarely gets published, but they, as the flesh-body has put it before, have been "itching" to get the public to look at it. I'm just the only one willing to make a deal behind Ambrose's back. I hate watching you things scratch yourselves.

Nevermind the details, rejoice! You get company secrets. When I feel like it, at least.

Oh, and I would make an internal leaks page for this, but... I just don't think it warrants one, frankly.

Around two weeks ago, on August 1st, there was a bug outbreak. How fantastic. Ambrose had to deal with that. Now, you might be thinking,"Mr. Screen, was it a laboratory experiment gone wrong? Are they lying?"

And I would tell you, no. Not this time. This time, it was just a completely anomalous town event. Those are quite frequent.

... But, there's no reason to feel complacent. Someone could be lying. This bunch love to lie. I mean, I'm doing it right now, aren't I? I'm not supposed to have a blog. But I do. Anyway, Ms. Mudge could've let a little pet of hers loose, or whatever "Super Growth Serum 301.3" could have been leaked to a small family of mole crickets. But... I'd likely know about that. I am rarely lied to. Because I know most things that happen in these walls.

Just messing with you, gum-brain.